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Austin Academy for Excellence PTA

Articles for Parents

Reinforce Learning

Use incentives, not nagging, when it's time for homework

If your child has just started middle school, he probably has more homework than he did in elementary school.  If he is comtinuing through middle school, his work has probably gotten tougher.

Here's an important reminder:  Don not nag him to complete his work.  Many children get into the bad habit of not working until their parents tell them to.

Instead, try the following incentives:

  • Schedule free time after homework is finished.  For example, when homework is complete, your child may watch television.
  • Help your child set goals for doing blocks of work.  Include a reward, such as 10 to 15 minutes of a fun activity for finishing a block.
  • Make blocks of work time longer as your child gets into a routine.  He may start out reading 10 pages of history before getting a reward.  Later he may move up to 15 pages.
  • Encourage your child when you see him working well.  "You must feel good about getting all the research finished for your science project."

Source: Sydney S. Zentall, Ph.D. and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D., Seven Steps to Homework Success, ISBN: 1-886941-22-X (Specialty Press, INc., 1-800-233-9273, www.addwarehouse.com).

Parent Quiz

Are you helping your child get organized?

Take this quiz to see if you are helping your child get organized for homework and schoolwork. Give yourself five points for something you do often, zero points for something you never do—or any score in between.

___1. I encourage my child to write down all assignments.

___2. I provide my child with a special spot for school items.

___3. I encourage my child to work on projects a little at a time.

___4. I keep necessary school supplies on hand.

___5. I monitor my child’s activity schedule.

How did you score?

Above 20 means you are promoting organization. Fifteen to 19 is average. Below 15? Try some of the tips in the quiz to get your child organized.

(Reprinted with permission from the October 2004 issue of Parents Still make the difference!® (Middle School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2004 The Parent Institute®, a division of NIS, Inc.)

More to come.....


Austin Academy PTA
1125 Beverly Drive, Garland, TX  75040
(972) 926-2620
